LONG READ: The Sanusi speech that scolded Buhari’s government

0 in Share First of all, I want to break from tradition. Usually I speak in Hausa in Kano. But, I don’t know how I am go...

Thursday 28 December 2017


What an economy!
Economy growing, inflation down to single digit
Yet what ever goes up does not come down
Imaginary permutations by the theorist
Flamboyant conclusion, but no value
The eagle is not convinced!
In this situation, the middle class will collapse into the impoverished class and get swallowed. How?
The middle class is in the process of circumventing its journey because it can not trace its starting position.
It is a great fear!
The political class forms the core of the economic bloc. Policies coming from the abattoir is channeled towards protecting their skewed interest.
No wonder the quarells are in the newspaper and not the board room, for they have common interest.
This is dangerous, because the middle class does not understand the politics of the economy. When they tend to probe they get distracted by the bonus placed on their table by the political class that stole the economy, through unlicensed privatization.
The market woman, Okada man, and the sweating people do not understand compromised policies, outside the arithmetic of one kobo.
They are the greatest culprit not victim, because they gave them bag of coins that they carry on their heads to prevent them from hearing the pungent horn of the bullion vans transporting the looted monies.
They are carrying this bag grudgingly yet they are powerless.
This is pathetic
You know why?
The bottom class by the reason of its huge poverty, has magnetic powers that suspends the middle class.
Should the bottom class collapse, the middle class will fall into the crater of despair.
The poli-economic cobras will have no one to sting and they will turn their venoms at themselves. That will consume what is left.
Therefore, they keep prompting the bottom class with stomach infrastructure to keep their magnetic influence.
They need this time before the middle class wakes up from its laxity and take back the economy and redirect the state.
The onus on the ground of this calculation, rest on the middle class to harness its potentials and cripple the predators through reading of the script and making the predators answerable to it.
Mind you, the political class has already shot itself in the foot.
This they did unkindly.
It is beginning to tell on them, that is why they are falling over themselves to prove a point.
They will be worn out soon, but its only when the bottom and the middle classes mobilize against any further manipulation.
I mean stand against any further manipulation!
This is the chance!
There is light at the end of the tunnel
This is Eagle’s Theory!
You have a right to disagree.
Eagle Theory is a number of ways the misbehaviour of the political class can be arrested...

Its quite disheartening that we fail to wake up to consiousnes, of the power that resides with the mass, we are more than them in numbers, its 9:1, we voted them in, we have the right to retract our allegiance for them. Let us wake up, the light at the end of the tunnel will not shine until we ignite it.

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